freshly chopped up homegrown climbing beans with a mint and thyme dressing poured over it

Super Simple Bean Salad with Mint & Thyme dressing

If you’ve ever grown climbing beans, then you’ll know that once they start producing, there’s no stopping them!

So what do you do with all those beans?

Well one thing you can make with the young tender beans is this delicious, quick and easy (5-10 minutes) bean salad.

You don’t have to grow your own, it works just as well with shop bought beans.

Why not give it a go! It makes a tasty accompaniment to a main meal.

Beans, Beetroot, Tomato & Gherkin from the garden

You can also eat it on its own, especially if you add a few chopped nuts, or some cheese (feta’s good) for extra protein. And some pasta or grains.

It also keeps well for a good few days in the fridge in a sealed container. Just remember to take it out half an hour before you need it, as the olive oil solidifies.

You don’t just have to use climbing beans, I also add mangetout, sugar snaps and peas. Whatever’s in season.


Beans – a handful, ideally freshly picked

Mint leaves – around 10 large or 20 small

Thyme – about 10 stalks

White wine vinegar – 2tbsp

Olive oil – 1 tbsp

Salt & pepper


Wash & dry the beans and herbs.

Cut the tops & bottoms off the beans. Chop into pieces approximately 1-2cm or just under an inch. If you cut them on an angle they look nicer. Cut any mangetout or sugar snaps in half. Put them into a bowl.

Pull the mint and thyme leaves off the stalks and crush them in a mortar and pestle.

Adding a small amount of the olive oil.

Add the herbs to the beans, together with the salt & pepper and stir until coated.

You can eat it straight away, but it’s much nicer the day after.

Cover and refrigerate, taking it out half an hour before needed.

Happy growers, make happy cooks.

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