Habanero chillies
Greenhouse,  The Garden

Chilli Explosion

The greenhouse looks like a colourful chilli explosion, ranging from yellow, through orange to red.

For years now I’ve only grown two varieties of chilli, Habareros and Jalapeño. Two years ago, I fancied a change and swapped my ‘Jalapeño’ for ‘Havana Gold’ a similar heat chilli. I can’t say I’ve been thrilled by them; they seem to go squidgy on the plant quite quickly. And they are the same colour as the hot Habanero, meaning they make the same-coloured sauce. Potentially a very dangerous situation! So, I will definitely be going back to Jalapeños next year.

The garden apprentice has discovered his new favourite curry uses Naga chillies, so I was set the task this year of growing them. The ‘Yellow Blaze’ Nagas have done really well, but I couldn’t get the red ‘Norfolk Naga’ to germinate. I shall try again next year!

I was also given some unwanted chilli seeds last winter so set about growing them. ‘De Cayenne’ have grown really well for their first year and are looking quite fantastic, everything you’d expect a chilli to look like, long, thin and bright red when ripe.

By far the best display though is coming from the five Habanero chilli plants. You may remember me taking them into the house last November to overwinter them. Well, they have been fantastic, but then I guess a heatwave was always going to suit chilli plants! 

We had an early crop off them back in July, but the fruits were a bit on the small size. There were only enough to make a small amount of the garden apprentices silly hot sauce.

Now though they are simply covered with large orange chillies, ready to be harvested.

The garden apprentice makes his own chilli sauce, which is a good job as it literally takes my breathe away!

So, this weekend once we’ve harvested them, I’ll be making Polly’s mild chilli sauce first, before vacating the house whilst the apprentice makes his Hot Habanero sauce.

I’ll really miss all that colour in the greenhouse, but it really is time to think about bringing them in again.

I guess with all those extra plants, the windowsills are going to be a bit full this winter!

Say safe and happy gardening.

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