Pink Cyclamen in a pot
Weekly Garden Diary

Garden Diary – A Week of Highs and Lows

It’s been a week of highs and lows both for me and the garden. Those of you that have been following my garden journey over the last few years will know that “I hate autumn” at the best of times so this year was never going to be good.

I started the week on such a high, nine weeks after falling and fracturing my back I was finally ready for physiotherapy. He was very pleased with my progress and made me feel like I should ‘go to the top of the class’. This gave me the green light to, get back to work, which always makes you feel normal again.

To top that I also got to the garden centre (does shopping get any better?) and bought a few spring bulbs and some mini cyclamen. I came home and planted them up in a sunny greenhouse, things were looking up.

And then the rain came back. The reason I hate autumn so much is because it signifies the beginning of the end of this years garden season, all around everything is dying and the damp conditions just hasten the decay. I’m quite happy with the bareness of winter but its the messiness before we get there!

As well as the weather, I seem to have developed some digestive complications from my fall (probably caused by painkillers) which by the end of the week were causing me real issues again.

To cheer myself up, I finally ordered my spring bulbs online. I would like to buy more locally but you just don’t get the same choice.

I’d spent a couple of weeks filling so many virtual baskets with dozens of varieties, finally witling it down to a sensible amount – not sure the under gardener would agree with that lol. Yes, he’s been upgraded from garden apprentice, but downgraded from acting head gardener, I’m back in charge 😃.

Sunday 29th September 2024

Happiness is…🤔
9 weeks after falling & fracturing 2 vertebrae, finally feeling almost normal again.
In my happy place (the greenhouse) planting up a pot of dwarf tulips & pretty little pink cyclamen 🌿💕🤍💕🌿
#Happiness #flowers

Monday 30th September 2024

What a morning 💦💦💦💦☔️
Time to be soaking (just pop them outside lol) & planting early ranunculus for a display next spring 🌿💕🌿💕🌿 #DreamingOfSpring, already! 🙃
#MagentaMonday #Flowers

Tuesday 1st October 2024

Steamy windows most mornings now in the greenhouse.
The tomato haul is decreasing, but still enough to make another good batch of tomato sauce, some of which was turned into super simple sweet & sour sauce #TomatoTuesday 🌿🍅🌿🍅🌿🍅🌿 #growyourown #tomaoes

This Aubergine flower is too late to produce a fruit now, but what a beauty 🌿💜🌿 #TuesdayBlue
Raining again, but apparently a few days of sunshine are on the way 🤗☀️🤗☀️🤗 Enjoy your Tuesday 🌿💜
#growyourown #Aubergine #Flowers

These ‘Indigo Rose’ tomatoes are so black on top where the sun has got to them (what sun I hear you cry 😃) but a most gorgeous rose colour underneath, & apricot inside 🌿🍅🖤💕🧡🌿 #tomatotuesday #growyourown #tomatoes #tomato #OrnamentalVeg #heritagetomatoes

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Who else finds it impossible deciding which tulips to pick for next spring? 🤔 🌿💜🤍💜🌿
I try & buy from one place because of p&p but there’s always one tulip I’d like from somewhere else 🥴
#NiceProblemsToHave #Tulips #Gardening

Thursday 3rd October 2024

The borlotti beans finally having a bit of sunshine to dry them out 🌿💙☀️❤️🫘
I’ll be sitting podding them soon which always defines Autumn 🍂
Have a good Thursday
#beans #food #growyourown #KitchenGarden

Friday 4th October 2024

Cosmos bipinnatus Dazzler in the rich autumn sunshine 🌿☀️💕🌿
It might’ve taken its time to bloom but it was definitely worth the wait 💕💛💕🌿 #FlowersOnFriday
#cosmos #flowers

Saturday 5th October 2024

When Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’ first opened & was very red I didn’t like it against the pink & purple Sedums & Asters but now it’s faded to orangey yellow, I love it! 😍 🌿💕🧡💜💛🌿 #FlowersOnSaturday
Wishing you all a super Saturday 😊🌿
#SaturdayVibes #Helenium #Flowers

Apple ‘Christmas Pippin’, enough to tempt anyone to pick & bite into that juicy, melon flavoured, crisp flesh 🌿🍎🍏🌿
Go on you know you want to 🐍😋
#GrowYourOwnFruit #apples

Sunday 6th October 2024

This was a small root from a friend early in the year, of course I’d forgotten planting it. Don’t you love it when that happens 🌿🌼🌿💛🌿🌼🌿💛🌿 #Helianthus
#SundayYellow #YellowSunday #YellowFlowers

A bit of Dahlia spotting this week, only one out of my garden 🌿🌸💕🌺💕
#dahlialove #Dahlia #dahliaseason #flowers

Happy Gardening, make the most of the sunny spells.

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