Pink Cosmos Flower
Weekly Garden Diary

Garden Diary – Started in the pink, ended with thunder bolts!

What a week of contrasts! After last Sundays big downpour we actually had a good week with plenty of sunshine, but Saturday was the loudest thunder I’ve heard in a very long time. And some poor soul not far from here had their house set on fire by a thunder bolt!

I’m pleased to say no one was hurt but the poor lady escaped just with the clothes she was wearing! It’s hard to imagine loosing all of your possessions. I’ve always said that after saving the ‘acting head-gardener’ and the cats, it’s my photographs that I’d want to save. I feel most other things are replaceable.

Before the storm though, the garden has been very enjoyable with lots of late colour, including the eventual arrival of the first pink cosmos. I was beginning to think that the frost would come before they even started flowering!

The white cosmos have been flowering for weeks now, but the pink ones have been painfully slow. Of course it means I am appreciating them more for their lateness! Trust the rain to come back though, it’s not stopped raining all day this Sunday!

The bounty has continued, with yet more tomatoes, raspberries needing picking pretty much everyday, and as the ‘acting head gardener’ was checking if anymore apples were ready, he discovered three more huge pears off ‘Beth’ hiding under the foliage!

Sun-cream and umbrellas at the ready!

Monday 16th September 2024

Last night’s raindrops still on Penstemon ‘Garnet’ 🌿💕🌿
Wishing you all a good start to a new week 😊🌿
#MagentaMonday #PinkFlowers #FlowersOnMonday #Flowers

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Verbena bonariensis seeds itself like a weed in our well drained soil 💜🌿 I’m not complaining!!
#TuesdayBlue Blue verbena 💜 Blue sky 💙
#FlowersOnTuesday #Flowers

What more can I say about this year’s tomato harvest 🌿🍅🍅🍅🌿 except, the freezers are full!
Making pasta sauce in winter, with homegrown tomatoes is heavenly! 😋
If you don’t already grow them, next year have a go 🍅🍅🍅🍅
#tomato #tomatoes #GrowYourOwnFood #growyourown

Wednesday 18th September 2024

‘Mary Rose’ when are you going to stop flowering & have a rest! 🌿💕🌸💕🌿 #RoseWednesday
Taken in this afternoon’s beautiful sunshine 🌞
I hope you’ve all been able to make the most of your day 🌿

Can I tempt you? 💕🌿
Autumn fruiting raspberry ‘Polka’ 💕
Tastes delicious
Very reliable
Mega crop
& Easy Peasy – chop all down in January 💁‍♀️
#raspberries #fruit #growyourownfruit #Gardening

Thursday 19th September 2024

Look what the clever ‘acting head gardener’ found hidden under the foliage. Three more delicious pears 🍐🍐🍐 & what whoppers they are too!
#pears #myhappyplace #mygarden #lovemygarden

Friday 20th September 2024

Get the champagne out 🥂🍾 my first pink cosmos of the year 🌿💕🌿🤗💕🌿
I had white ones for a while, but the pinks have been allusive!
Can you spot the spider? 🕷️
#FlowersOnFriday #flowers #cosmoschallenge

I’ve been watching these lovely’s ripen & steadily get redder🍎🍎, waiting for the day that they pop off into my hand 🖐️
Apple ‘Sunrise’ derived from Cox’s Orange Pippin, utterly, utterly delicious! 🌿🍎🌿🍎🌿
#apples #growyourownfruit #kitchengarden #gyo

Saturday 21st September 2024

Wishing you a sublime Saturday 🌿
I’m really quite surprised how much colour there suddenly is in the garden, but then so many flowers are late this year 🌿💕💜🌸💕💜🌿
Let’s hope these thunderstorms don’t spoil everything 🌸⚡️🌸⚡️🌸
#latesummercolour #Flowers

Sunday 22nd September 2024

My first year growing Tomato ‘Indigo Pear’, a heritage variety.
It looks amazing changing from green, to purple, to orange 💚💜🧡
It’s got good tomato flavour but not exceptional & quite thick skin, so I don’t think I’ll grow it again 🍅🌿
#tomato #growyourown #sevenonsunday

Good morning to you from a very wet North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 💦🌼
Scary thunderstorm yesterday with a house set on fire with a lightening bolt, not too far away!
The power of Mother Nature is not to be messed with! 🌿💛🌼💛🌿
#sevenonsunday #YellowSunday #SundayYellow #thepowerofnature #thunderstorms #lightening

Happy soggy gardening & stay safe.

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