White Campanula
Weekly Garden Diary

Garden Diary – Let’s get you up to date!

You may have noticed by the lack of contact, that I am really struggling to keep up with the blog at the moment. As well as the usual work, and gardening, the house renovations are keeping me rather busy and away from the computer!

I have good intentions each week of sharing my gardening goings on with you, but before I know it another week has whizzed by! 

So, I’ve had an idea of how to keep you up to date with the garden until my life gets back to normal. In hopeful optimism that it will!

Each morning I do manage a brief post on social media, occasionally two posts of what’s going on in the garden but I know that quite a few of you aren’t on any of the social media platforms, so as a temporary measure I’m going to combine my seven days of Tweets or X’s (as they are now known), Instagram and Facebook posts on here, so you will at least be able to keep unto date.

So here’s last weeks posts starting last Sunday:

Sunday 23rd June 2024

Pears & pea flowers in with the ornamentals for #SevenOnSunday 🌿🍐💛🤍🌿
Hope you are all making the most of our welcome warm weather, at last! ☀️🌿😁

Garden loosestrife might be a bit of a pain spreading where you don’t always want it, but… when it flowers we forgive it 🌿💛🌿💛🌿💛🌿💛🌿💛🌿

#SundayYellow #YellowFlowers

Just out of interest, does anyone else know this plant Sisyrinchium striatum as ‘Aunt May’? 🌿💛🌿
I’d like to know if it’s a regional thing 🤔💜🌿🧡☀️

Just out of interest, a few people responded to this request by informing me that there is a specific variety of Sisyrinchium striatum that is called ‘Aunt May’ but it is a much paler version thanI have. I do learn much from my social media friends.

Monday 24th June 2024

Well what a fabulous weekend 😎🌿☀️ And the sunshine goes on…. 😊🌿

Tuesday 25th June 2024

The salvias are here #TuesdayBlue 🌿💜🌿
Keep hydrated everyone ☀️💦☀️

Wednesday 26th June 2024

The roses were looking & smelling magnificent at this church in Cheshire 🌿❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🌿 #RoseWednesday

I’m so pleased with how healthy this rose bush is 🌿💛🌿🌼🌿💛🌿🌼🌿
I dug it up for a friend when she moved house & I’m still looking after it. It’s named after her daughter so ‘no pressure’ 😊 #RoseWednesday

Thursday 27th June 2024

Clematis ‘Prince George’ has found his way through the rhododendron down in the white garden☀️🤍🌿
I love his crinkly petals 🌿🤍🌿🤍🌿🤍🌿
#clematisthursday #clematis #mygarden #Flowers

Can I tell you that we are going to have torrential rain very soon 💦💨☔️
How do I know? Because every time that this grass ‘karl foerster’ is at its best, the rain comes & decimates it 🌾😫
We’ll see maybe this year it will escape the rains 🤞🤞🤞

Friday 28th June 2024

Wishing you all that ‘Friday feeling’ #flowersonfriday
Penstemon ‘Garnet’ has started to flower and will now flower into winter.

It’s my neighbours birthday & it’s now become a tradition to give her a jam jar of flowers from my June garden 💐

Saturday 29th June 2024

It’s such a colourful time in the garden, although some plants are quite late 🌿💜💛🩷💛💜🩷🌿#SixOnSaturday
Wishing you a happy productive weekend 🌿

It’s cherry time 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I wound the netting down just in time & Mr & Mrs Blackbird have been sitting on the frame giving me the evil eye 👁️

Sunday 30th June 2024

So what’s happening down in the white garden? 🌿🤍🌿
The campanulas have never been so good, my first cosmos anywhere, antirrhinums grown from seed, geraniums, fuchsias & the divine scent as the jasmine has just started to open 🌿🤍🌿

Garden loosestrife might be a bit of a pain spreading where you don’t always want it, but… when it flowers we forgive it 🌿💛🌿💛🌿💛🌿💛🌿💛🌿

#SundayYellow #YellowSunday #YellowFlowers

I hope this has given you a brief catch-up with the garden.

Happy Gardening.

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