
The Frogs have Spawned!

Well I think by now, most of you know how excited I get about frogs and wildlife in the pond!

So as this week has brought, only our second ever frog spawning.

You won’t be at all surprised to hear how pleased I am!

Getting Frogs in the pond

After creating this pond, mainly to attract frogs. The first few years were a bit of a disappointment! Driving me to take frogspawn from a friends pond.

But all good things come to he/she who waits! And now we are reaping the rewards!

Last year the frogs spawned on 25th February, I know this for a fact as it is a friends birthday. As we were in our second national lockdown, due to the worldwide Covid 19 pandemic. I was off work and could sit for hours (very rugged up) watching them. Very pleasurable!

This resulted in lots of frogs in the pond and around the garden, all of last year.

The Frogs have arrived

This year the frogs started massing in early February, getting me all excited. They kept a very low profile in the daytime. But thanks to our outdoor camera we captured them after dark.

Very appropriately, the first froggy romance took place on valentines night 14th February.

My expectations were now very high, I looked for frogspawn each day, but nothing!

Where’s the frogspawn?

As February turned into March, there was still no sign. What’s more, all bar two of the frogs seemed to have disappeared.

I said to my friend whom I got the original frogspawn from, “the way things are going, I may need some off you this year”. Her pond was now full of it!

I said I’d give it another couple of weeks.

Then my reoccurring bad back intervened!

I was stuck at home, inside, with no possibility of reaching the pond. And quite honestly, my thoughts were elsewhere!

Spawning at last!

In my absence, the frogs had come back on mass.

They very conveniently waited for the weekend. Sunday 13th March to be precise, for the big spawning day.

Meaning that my husband could be on camera duty, and got to witness the frenzy.

Twos company, threes a crowd!

He armed me down to the pond, where a chair was waiting. What an absolute joy! Froggy heaven!

It was surprising the variations in colour.

Its my stone!

They were actually sunbathing, in between other things.

The garden and especially the wildlife, are the best tonic when you are feeling a bit sorry for yourself. I love my garden!

Stay safe & happy gardening.

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