
Christmas Tree Festival

On this Boxing Day, I thought I’d share our local churches Christmas tree festival with you.
As I’m afraid it’s a bit cold and damp for actual gardening.

The festival is one of the few things, to have been improved by the terrible worldwide pandemic we find ourselves living through. It’s previously been held inside the church. But last year as we descended into another wave of covid, it was held outside in the churchyard.

It meant we got lights on the Christmas trees for the first time.

There was a truly magical feel walking around the churchyard, with all of the colourful trees lighting your way through the ancient grave stones.

It was just what we needed to lift our spirits, as we headed into a Christmas like most of us had ever known.
Only those old enough to remember the war, can have experienced anything like it before.

Christmas 2021 – Here we go again!

A year on and sadly we are facing another covid wave, with a new variant spreading rapidly.

We are so lucky here, to live in a country that’s done so well with the vaccination programme. And we can at least hope that people that do contract it, aren’t too poorly.

Although our hearts go out to the amazing NHS staff that are yet again on the frontline. Some of whom will not have been sitting at home on Christmas Day eating turkey, but working tirelessly for the benefit of us all.

Like last year, there will again have been so many people having their Christmas ruined. As they, or members of their family test positive and have to isolate.

For the majority of us, the home flo testing kits have given us peace of mind to spend time with our families.
Hearing recently that other countries charge for the testing kits, we realise again how lucky we are here.

The tree festival raises money for the local hospice. So as well as giving so many of us pleasure, it is also helping such a worthy course.

This year three pathways were lined with Christmas trees, each donated and decorated by local businesses and organisations.

There was also a nativity scene under one of the beautiful stained glass windows.

After an uplifting walk, it was time to go home and decorate are own tree, with a small glass of Sherry.

Stay safe & I hope you enjoy the rest of your Christmas.

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