Daucus carota - wild carrot
Weekly Garden Diary

Garden Diary – The Bounty begins and a Moth rescue!

Another busy week! “What’s new pussycat!”

Does anyone else think that time is going faster than ever? I keep saying, we are an alien experiment and they have speeded up time to see if we notice. Well I’m onto them lol.

This week has brought the ramping up of food production in the kitchen garden with rhubarb, cucumbers and the first chillies.

The tomatoes – some unusual coloured ones that I’ve not grown before and so I’m not quite sure what colour they will be when ripe – seem to be nearing picking.

There are a few huge figs that will be ready this coming week, I’ve got the balsamic and goats cheese at the ready.

And the beans are flowering.

So I’d better get my act together as I desperately need to defrost the freezer before filling it with this years ready meals!

Monday 1st July 2024

Happy 1st July 😊🌿🌸🌼 Here’s hoping for a bit more of this sunshine ☀️
In recognition of it, the dieramas have just come out this weekend. You can see why they’re commonly known as Angels fishing rods 🌾🤍🌸🌿
#July1st #summerflowers #dierama

One happy bee on the Knautia macedonica 🌿🐝🌿
I originally sowed this from seed & it’s now divided into 3 plants.
It grows like a geum or scabious, it’s a very hardy perennial & a beautiful deep colour.
#MagentaMonday #Bees #pollinators #flowers

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Quite a bit of blue in the little wilder border at the moment for #TuesdayBlue 🌿💜💙 with some pink thrown in from my first daucus carota, grown from seed 🤍🌿
#flowers #wildflowers #potteringpolly

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

I bought this Rose ‘Rhapsody in blue’ with my mum, on a sunny day at a wonderful nursery at Black Birches, Shrewsbury, sadly no longer there.
It’s flowering so well this year 💜💜💜🌿#RoseWednesday @DAustinRoses #roses #mygarden

These tomatoes are ‘Indigo Pear’, I’ve never grown them before, so super excited to see what they taste like 💜🍅🧡
Hopefully not too long now 🤗🍅
#kitchengarden #tomatoes #growyourownfood #gyo #grownfromseed

Thursday 4th July 2024

Before you think “I can’t be bothered to go & vote”, please remember that your ancestors fought hard to allow you the freedom to cast a vote 🌿🤍🌿
Don’t forget your photo identification 😃
#Elections2024 #freedom

Hello Mr or Mrs Hoverfly, welcome to my garden 🐝🌿
Please make yourself at home, there’s plenty of food 🌿🤍🌼🧡#InsectThursday

Oops first one for me, don’t tell anyone 😋🌿
Autumn fruiting raspberry ’Polka’
#growyourownfood #raspberries #kitchengarden

Friday 5th July 2024

My little wild bit in front of the cherry & plum trees bring lots of pollinators in 🐝🐝🐝
The allium drumsticks have started to colour up this week 🌿

#FlowersOnFriday #flowers #mygarden #wildflowers

Who else does ‘Feed up Friday’?
It’s the only way I remember to feed every week 🤔🪴
#FeedUpFriday #FeedYourPlants

Does anyone know what kind of moth this is? 🦋
I’ve just been looking & can’t find it on tinternet 🌿
I rescued it from the bottom of a watering can upside down in a bit of water 💦
#moths @savebutterflies bigbutterflycount.org #mothsmatter #britishmoths #Wildlife

I did discover that this is a ‘Large Yellow Underwing’ and that the spot on its head was where the fur had worn off. I’d been searching for a moth with a dot on it’s hard, so that solved that little mystery.

Saturday 6th July 2024

Bit rainy this morning, isn’t it typical for the weekend! But in all fairness it’s been a better week than expected so we can’t have everything! 🌿☀️
And all the produce & flowers will appreciate a drink 🌿🧡💜💦
Happy #SixOnSaturday

Sunday 7th July

As the food production starts to ramp up, it’s the theme for this weeks #SevenOnSunday 🌿🌶️💜🍅💚
Rhubarb, Chilli ‘Buena mulata’, Fig ‘Brunswick’, Cucumber, Bean ‘Brunhikde’, Tomatoes ‘Tigerella’ & ‘Indigo Pear’.

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday, doing what makes you happy 🙂🌿

Happy Gardening.

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