
Snowing in June?

Or just willow seeds floating on the breeze.

Our beautiful blue sky’s last weekend have been full of drifting white clouds of what looked like snow. But with temperatures in the 20’s that would be unlikely!

Snowing seeds

It’s willow tree seeds inside their fluffy white parachutes. For three days our skies have been full of it. We notice it every year, but this time there has been so much more than usual.

My sister came over for lunch, and as we all sat in the garden it floated around us. Unfortunately this included landing in our food.

We all commented that it looked like snow flurries, but rather than melt, it just stuck to our sun creamed arms.

For three days the sky was full

By the third day it was collecting all along the curb side, all down the road. It really resembled accumulated snow drifting around.

Like snow drifting

It blew into the greenhouse and got stuck on the compost by the tomatoes, in little fluffy bundles.

Caught on the compost

Even the cobwebs in the back of the pickup got a dusting.

Not what the spider was hoping to catch

Willow trees belong to the Salicaceae Family. It is the female trees that produce the fruit. After pollination by insects the tiny 2mm seeds encased in white silky down, are released for dispersal on the wind.

Tiny seeds

Hopefully leading to new trees

The woodland trust have more information on 5 different ways that trees disperse their seed

Stay safe & happy gardening

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