
Biological slug control, after a G&T

If you garden organically, then nematodes are really the only option if you want to kill slugs.

Slug pellets are an absolute no no, as they are poison. They contaminate your soil and can lead to the deaths of beneficial predators of slugs like, hedgehogs, birds, frogs, or even worms. They can also cause harm to your pets.

The RSPB offer advise on different methods for deterring slugs.

Slug Pellets, damaging to wildlife

Using Nematodes

Firstly order Nemaslug, it should take two to three days to arrive.

When it arrives, start by making yourself a nice Gin & Tonic. You need to have more than one to use up all of the tonic. Put the empty 1 litre bottle to one side.

Assemble what you’ll be needing:

  • A bucket
  • The Nemaslug
  • A watering can with a rose
  • A cane for stirring
  • The empty tonic bottle for measuring.
Ready to go

Measure out 4 litres of water into the bucket, empty the contents of the Nemaslug packet in and stir well.

Before and after stirring

Pour half a litre of the mixture into your watering can and top up with water. Water all pots and borders where you are most likely to have slug damage. Give your hostas an extra soak., as we all know they are particularly yummy to slugs!

New Hosta shoots coming through
Particularly venerable new Hosta leaves

If no rain is forecast you will need to water these areas regularly to keep them moist, as the nematodes don’t like to dry out.

After all that excursion maybe crack open another bottle of tonic and add some gin, sit back and enjoy your garden, cheers.

Stay safe & happy gardening.

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